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108 accommodation offers in K-Town and surroundings

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Accommodation in K-Town

workers accommodation, boarding houses & hotels

Direct contact to the landlord, no commission fee

Looking for a worker room in Kaiserslautern? Monteurzimmer.de helps!

Unser Monteurzimmer-Portal contains thousands of entries of property manager from all over Germany, from Lübeck to Regensburg. Among them are also offers from Kaiserslautern and surroundings. Our practical search functions (map search, city search or zip code search) help you to find a worker room in Kaiserslautern ausfindig zu machen. You will immediately be shown a list of different providers who rent out assembly rooms near Kaiserslautern. You will also find pensions, holiday apartments, hotels and much more. With one click on the detailed pages of the accommodations you will get a comprehensive first impression thanks to photos and an info text. Recognize how the conditions on site are: directions, furnishings, equipment, service, price, etc. If you are interested in the worker rooms in Kaiserslautern, you can contact us directly by e-mail or telephone to book the room or to clarify any last questions.

As a landlord offer guest rooms and accommodation for mechanics in Kaiserslautern

Due to its very good ranking in the results of the search engines, our room rental portal records five-digit visitor numbers month after month. Register your accommodation near Kaiserslautern with us in order to benefit. This not only draws the attention of workers to your guest rooms, but also of several other groups of people. These include:

  • Construction workers
  • Truck driver
  • Trade fair visitors
  • Tourists
  • Interns
  • and other people looking for a room in in Kaiserslautern suchen.

Because with Monteurzimmer.de you can not only offer accommodation for workers, but also all other accommodations where you welcome guests, from youth hostels to holiday houses to hotel rooms. This has a positive effect on your room occupancy. Read here experiences of landlords with Monteurzimmer.de. Present your accommodation in Kaiserslautern in the best light and enrich your entry with an inviting text, several pictures as well as information about prices and facilities. Your offers will be displayed in our search results on Monteurzimmer.de in all towns and postcode areas within a radius of about 10, 20 or 30 kilometers from the address of your accommodation in Kaiserslautern. The distance depends on your tariff.

Large information and service area for property manager

In addition to maintaining the worker room portal, we ourselves are also property manager of worker rooms. We would like to share the experience and knowledge we have gained with you. It is important to know: Workers are not there for holidays! Therefore they have some different demands on a room than other guests. In the download area we provide you with many helpful landlord information bereit. In addition, our information pages provide you with tips and tricks on which service offers you can score points with workers in particular and set yourself apart from your competitors. We provide you with assistance in establishing contact, the appropriate handling of complaints and the continuous improvement of your mechanic room in Kaiserslautern. In addition to the service for visitors, it is of course the overall impression that counts, to which furnishings and equipment play an important role. We wish you a successful rental and satisfied guests in your worker accommodation in Kaiserslautern!

Further names for K-Town

This place is also known as: Kaiserslautern, K-Town

Important Questions of Customers about Worker Rooms in K-Town

Where do I find an accommodation in the center of K-Town?

On Monteurzimmer.de you can specifically search for worker rooms in K-Town. In the list view, you will get over 108 results that you can sort by all results in K-Town by distance to the center.

Where do I find an affordable accommodation in K-Town?

Find an affordable accommodation in K-Town starting from 2,00 €. Sort the search result for K-Town in ascending order by price.

Which apartments in K-Town have parking lots for cars/trucks?

You have the option to specify your search for a worker room in K-Town. Use the equipment filter and get a precise result for worker rooms in K-Town with car parks or truck parking spaces.

How do I find a suitable worker room in K-Town for larger groups?

In K-Town you will find more than 108 worker room offers. You can use the sorting filter to see the result for worker rooms in K-Town, sorted by number of people.

How do I list my accommodation in K-Town with Monteurzimmer.de?

Go to our customer area and choose the best package for your region. If you need further help, contact our team by E-mail or telephone. We are here to help!