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644 accommodation offers in Bottrop and surroundings

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Accommodation in Bottrop

workers accommodation, boarding houses & hotels

Direct contact to the landlord, no commission fee

Monteurzimmer.de helps you with the search for worker accommodations in Bottrop

In our large worker room directory there are entries from several thousand landlords in the German-speaking area. This also includes offers from landlords from Bottrop and the surrounding area. Our practical search functions (map search, city search or zip code search) help you to find a worker room in Bottrop ausfindig zu machen. All workers' accommodation in the area around Bottrop will then be displayed. The results also show the accommodation in Bottrop which is not explicitly aimed at fitters, but where they are welcome (private rooms, apartments, hotels, holiday homes, etc.). On the detailed pages for the accommodations you will find the most important information and basic data. Find out in a few moments what the furnishings in the worker rooms are like and what an overnight stay costs. If one of the offered worker rooms in Bottrop appeals to you, you can immediately contact the property manager without our portal being connected in between.

As a property manager offer guest rooms and accommodation for fitters in Bottrop

The portal Monteurzimmer.de registers tens of thousands of visitors every month. Registrieren Sie Ihre Unterkunft in Bottrop und Umgebung, um neue Gäste zu gewinnen. Besides workers, you can reach other groups of guests with our room rental portal. These are, for example, truck drivers and other professional travellers as well as tourists looking for accommodation in Bottrop. Because with Monteurzimmer.de you can not only offer accommodation for workers, but also all other accommodations in which you would like to welcome guests, such as a pension, a holiday home or a motel. With an entry on our room rental portal you help to increase the room occupancy also in the off-season. Present your accommodation in Bottrop in detail by providing us with detailed information on furnishings, services and prices. Also upload photos so that guests can literally get a picture of your fitter's accommodation. Your entry will always be displayed if fitters or holidaymakers specify a town or village about 10, 20 or 30 kilometres away from Bottrop as their destination. The range of coverage depends on which package you choose.

Detailed information for property manager

In addition to operating the online portal Monteurzimmer.de, we ourselves are also property manager of worker accommodation and have had a lot of experience with this group of guests. An essential insight is: As a worker, you have completely different requirements "Unterkunft auf Zeit" als Tourists, da man schließlich nicht zum Urlaub, sondern zum Arbeiten in Bottrop ist. We provide you with a variety of important information about renting, from sample rental contracts to furnishing tips. On the info pages property manager receive many more tips and food for thought. Find out where workers put special emphasis on and how you can ensure that your guests will have fond memories of your accommodation in Bottrop so that they will be happy to return to you at a later date. In addition to service, furnishing and equipment are of utmost importance, since the first impression is elementary for the overall assessment. We wish you much success with the room rental in Bottrop!

Important Questions of Customers about Worker Rooms in Bottrop

Where do I find an accommodation in the center of Bottrop?

On Monteurzimmer.de you can specifically search for worker rooms in Bottrop. In the list view, you will get over 644 results that you can sort by all results in Bottrop by distance to the center.

Where do I find an affordable accommodation in Bottrop?

Find an affordable accommodation in Bottrop starting from 0,05 €. Sort the search result for Bottrop in ascending order by price.

Which apartments in Bottrop have parking lots for cars/trucks?

You have the option to specify your search for a worker room in Bottrop. Use the equipment filter and get a precise result for worker rooms in Bottrop with car parks or truck parking spaces.

How do I find a suitable worker room in Bottrop for larger groups?

In Bottrop you will find more than 644 worker room offers. You can use the sorting filter to see the result for worker rooms in Bottrop, sorted by number of people.

How do I list my accommodation in Bottrop with Monteurzimmer.de?

Go to our customer area and choose the best package for your region. If you need further help, contact our team by E-mail or telephone. We are here to help!